Odd Squad Wiki

So I had finished all my work early so I had a book of Red Herring Riddles that I got for Christmas... I had already solved most of them, so I started working on a harder on...

In desperation an elderly woman surreptitiously entered an unlocked home and as direct result of her actions became a millionaire. What happened.

So I sitting there trying figure out what surreptitious meant..

I asked both of my teachers... they didn't know..

I asked the 5th and 6th grader teacher (sometimes called the word wizard) she couldn't even pronounce it much less know what it meant.

I asked all the teachers in the school.. NO ONE KNEW!!

I looked in two of the dictionaries but all the dictionaries are children's dictionaries so it wasn't in there.

Until finially I got home and looked it up it means to make, do, or act in a secretive and stealthy way.
